Consulting with Care
/It's officially the New Year, and we've been doing a lot of reflecting on good old 2014. If you're following us on Twitter, it's probably clear which topic we've been pondering most...
"Consulting with Care" was a phrase we had in mind from the very start of FIVE:thirty. We had a clear vision of what this could mean for us, our affiliates, and our clients. Below are a few more insights of the intent behind our tagline.
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Consulting with Care means we genuinely concern ourselves with our clients wellbeing. Small business is personal, and often these companies were formed out of passion. Hoping to bridge the gap between where small business begins to where owners see it going, FIVE:thirty provides the services and expertise needed. Our consulting style is truly open; leaving small business owners in the drivers seat, and us as happy passengers.
Consulting with Care means you don't have to worry about your deliverables. When you choose to work with FIVE:thirty, you're choosing to work with professionals who understand expectations. We communicate often and transparently, making sure all parties are on the same page every step of the way throughout the entire process.
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Consulting with Care means we understand work is only a portion of our lives. Important and fulfilling, our small businesses can be incredibly rewarding, but there's more to life than the 8-5 grind. Everyone has a different reason for forming their company, but most individuals don't intend to start a business that keeps them awake at night. We want to help you breathe a little easier during your work days and when you're off the clock.
Among the companies founded on a passion, FIVE:thirty was born out of an earnest desire to help small business owners make the most of their resources. Our guiding principals are open honesty, authentic professionalism, and a desire to surpass our clients expectations at a reasonable price.
If you think we might be the consulting company for your small business, please get in touch with us today. We'd love to make your acquaintance!