Why FIVE:thirty?
/It's a popular and well-known theme in business marketing:
"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."
So what's FIVE:thirty's why? In a word: you. We love working with small business owners. To us, small business is the backbone of our economy and our social culture. Small business owners are the risk takers, the leaders, the innovators. We're inspired by working with company owners, and love being a part of any and every step along the way.
Business ownership runs deep in the heritage of FIVE:thirty's founder:
“Growing up with an entrepreneurial father, I learned early on that there was more than one way to earn an honest living. Watching and learning second hand what self employment was all about made a huge impact on me. When I was 18, my second hand knowledge turned first hand, and my life’s course was completely changed. I love the thrill of being a small business owner, and am thankful to get to work with my peers everyday.”
FIVE:thirty is about more than project management, company representation, and financial wellness. FIVE:thirty is about the small business owner's way of life. It's about the drive, the tenacity, the celebration for successes and the tuition paid during pitfalls.
It's about the 5:30 hour (whether morning or night), when you know you need to unplug from work and get home to what matters most.
It's about living your life how you want to, on your own terms, taking your own risks, and paving your own way. It's the adventure of a lifetime, the value of experience, and the priceless reward of small business that draws the dreamers, explorers, and the seekers.
As for FIVE:thirty's why; we ask why not? What more could we ask for, than to work with the most adventurous, courageous people in town?